Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby its cold outside

Ummmmm no it is not. It is actually 101 degrees fahrenheit outside, ( over 38 degrees celcius for you Europeans) but I still can't stop thinking about sweaters that I want for this fall. It didn't help that Urban Outfitters just sent me an email promoting all the new sweaters they got in!

I have been wanting an oversized sweater for a while now. Either thick or thin knit will do, as long as it hangs perfectly. I've picked out a few that I am particularly lusting after from Urban.

Silence & Noise Mohair Sweater in Gold
This sweater is just lovely. It looks so soft and I love the color. I need more yellow, or whatever this is, in my wardrobe. Plus I love the heathery look to it.

Cooperative Intarsia Sweater in Sapphire
Ok come on, this is a sweater with clouds and umbrellas on it! Who wouldn't want that? Seriously I would wear something like this all the time.

Reformed by The Reformation for Urban Renewal Cosby Boyfriend Sweater in Dark
This is the ultimate big patterned comfy sweater. And true to its name it totally has the Bill Cosby vibe going. Long live imitation 90's clothes!

BDG Marled Cable Fisherman Cardigan in Green
Lastly this looks so warm and perfect to curl up in on chilly, rainy days. I also need more green in my wardrobe and cardigans are usually a lot more versatile than normal sweaters so this might be the one I buy.

Unfortunately, these sweaters, though not SUPER expensive, are not on the cheap side, so I will probably only invest in one.

Lucky for me I'm going to the Houston Galleria tomorrow for my birthday (maybe I can finagle a surprise present out of my sisters!) and they have a pretty good Urban Outfitters so I'm excited.

Which sweater would you choose?

Fun Fact:

The company Urban Outfitters, Inc. also owns Anthropologie and Free People.

Liz B.


  1. I pick the last one.

  2. I would go for the last one as I have a soft spot gor cardigans.

    Thank you so much for the comment on my blog, which introduced me to yours.

  3. flipping heck that is warm, we don't even get near 80 over here.

  4. So perfect for fall! I love the knit layers and detailed patterns. =)

  5. OH it is 17 degrees cooler here than with you. I would happily wear any of these now. Xxxx

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one who suddenly, fiercely got obsessed with sweaters within the past week.

  7. Love the third sweater!

    I can't stop thinking what I'll be wearing this fall too!
