Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Bitch is Back

IIIII'mmmmm Baackkk

Ok so that was kind of lame, but after about a month long hiatus I am, in fact, back. I know that there really is no excuse to be gone for such a long time, especially with my blog in the baby stages and all but in the past month I packed up all my things, drove up to St Louis, set up my room, started my classes, and had three weeks of sorority recruitment. All things I enjoyed but also all things that took up a hell a lot of my time. So the Bumbling Bee was neglected. Sorry!

I'm going to start posting now for realz. Like really.

So to leave you with pictures of me and a good friend from my sorority bowling on bid day. Yes those are neon trucker hats. They are actually adorbs.

She's the one who's pretty. I'm the one with a case of squashy face.
 Fun Fact:

Zeta Tau Alpha, the sorority I belong to, was founded in 1898 at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia.

I love my Zeta girls! Great job with Recruitment!

Liz B.